Ezekiel Jackson Dunagan named after our Grandfather GGG Grandfather Ezekiel Jackson
Looking through a number pf papers left to me by my Grandmother Mary Dunagan Barber, and speaking to various relatives. I have some interesting information concerning my GGG Grandfather Ezekiel it appears he had a wild spirit. He married my GGG Grandmother Lydia Ann Brown after a number of children with Lydia she passed on. He then married Margaret Peggy Wallace, they had several children. He had several slaves on his farm in GA. Two of these slaves were his sons.
I have a picture of Ezekiel Jackson Dunagan which can be viewed in the DOAS Image Galleries. The young man with his arm resting on Ezekiels shoulder is his actual son. It was not uncommon in those days for this to happen. From this son came children and Grandchildren that are Ezekiel's. I have several pictures of his bi-racial Grandchildren. Thank goodness for Mary Dunagan and my Great Grandfather
Ezekiel J Dunagan who obtained these documents. also thanks to other Dunagan family members for all their help. This has been an interesting project. I will include this in my new book concerning our family, the Dunagans and the book will also include the story of my entire family.
Thanks to DNA I was able to write this book. I shall include two chapters on our Dunagan family down south, I am a published writer with Simon and Schuster, New York. I am writing only the facts given to me by my grandmother Mary Dunagan. The book will include interesting facts about my two marriages, my four children, grandchildren and one president I'm related to. You will have to read the book to find out who. I'm right in the middle of this and with high hopes I look to have it finished in a year. I had five re-writes on my first book.
So it's not an easy go.
Hannah Dunagan Barber-Abraham