Hannah's Father James Robert Dunagan-Barber

Hannah's Father James Robert Dunagan-Barber

Here is my handsome young Dad. He was in his early twenty's when this picture was taken. He took after the Dunagans and the Barber's.
Anyway he was my Grandmother Mary's last born son. She had nine children. And I must say her favorite son. Dad was a bit spolied to
say the least of it. Also he HAD to have the very best of everything. I was born when Dad was forty years old. He had a very good job.
And could afford to give Mom and I the best. Of course this didn't make up for me being the only child. I really wanted brothers and sisters. I miss my Dad very much and have alot of wonderful memories of him. He loved my mother Dorothy but he was a lady's man. I overlooked it, but I know my pretty Mama couldn't.